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D = Detective Kevin KLIEWER
J = Jonathan DODDS
D: Okay, this is Detective KLIEWER. It s the 5"" of May, 2010. Time is 10:25. I m talking to
Mr. Jonathan DODDS in regards to case 10-4981.
And, Mr. DODD, you re aware this conversation is being recorded?
J: I am.
D: And you give your consent for it to be recorded?
J: I do.
D; Can you go ahead and give me the background information on this case?
J: I entered in, I had, we were, I had hired him to perform services on my website. My
customers weren t able to check out using PayPal or Google. And we ve agreed to a price
of $60.
D: Okay. And you hired him when?
J: Back in December.
D: December of?
J: Of 2009.
D: And you hired him for a price of how much?
J: $60.
D: And was there a contract?
J: No. We just, you know, agreed to have, to do it. I met him at Tully s on Mercer Island.
D: And what was he supposed to do for $60?
J: There was a problem when people went to check out on my website where, when they
click on PayPal or Google checkout, they wouIdn t get taken to where they would have to
enter their credit card information. And so, he was going to fix that. So, it ended up, there
was an error code from PayPal, and I called their technical support, and PayPal actually
fixed the issue temporarily. They did something in the code but he wanted, you know,
then he asked for, send him a PayPal payment for $60 for the time he spent on it. And
then, he wanted $90, so I sent him another $30 with PayPal. And you could see that in
your file there. You Il have the PayPal paid up copy. Then, he wanted $210. Then, he
tried to get me for $7,500. And Ijust said, "Fuck, you know, I agreed to pay you, you
know, 60 bucks. I ve thrown the extra 30." He never claimed the PayPal payment. So,

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D: Okay. I don t need to know that stuff right now. l m just focused on this case.
J: Alright.
D: When he billed you for $7,500, was that by invoice or email?
J: lt was email.
D: Okay. l m gonna give you my email if you could forward that stuff to me.
J: Yup.
D: Cause that file doesn t appear to be complete.
J: Okay.
D: Okay. It is kk...
J: Uh-huh.
D: liewer@beIlevuewa (all one word) .gov.
J: Okay. And just do that now?
D: ln a few minutes when we get off this recording. When did he start telling you he would
remove the website if you paid him money'?
J: Well, yesterday. I didn t even know that the website was there hi, l m on the phone with
the police.
D: Oh.
J: Hold on. Sorry. Yesterday. I haven t spoken to him since l, this website, since I found the
website, you know, I haven t really, I have not contacted this guy. Yesterday was when he
said that he would remove the website once he got paid. As you can see by the invoices
that you have there and the emails.
D: But this thing was filed in January.
J: Was it January or December?
D: January 25th, 2010.
J: Okay.
D: Well, if theyjust started asking money to take the site down yesterday, what were you
alleging in January?

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J: I contacted him yesterday cause on Sunday, I m getting ready to, well, I m "specking" out,
opening up a beer company here in Bellevue, Brickhouse Beer, so I was budgeting it
down so I was calling Bob HERST or emailing Bob HERST all over the country. And the
only way he could have gotten each other s... a guy in Vancouver, in Victoria, British
Columbia or Vancouver... that I emailed who makes beer bottling machines. And,
somehow, he got a hold of his email and posted it on his website. Then, the guy, you
know, this guy wouldn t give me pricing, and Ijust said, "We|l, we can t do business." And
he got "flippy" with me and sent me an email saying, "You should see, this website, John.
You know, jonathandoddscom. I m sure this is cramping your style." And like within two
hours of like emailing this guy and trying to get a price, this guy, Erin O l\/IEARA, has got
his, these emails posted. And he could have only gotten them by hacking.
D: It could have been fonxvarded by the other party.
J: lVlaybe. That could possibly happen.
D: Okay. So, it s not the only way he could have got it is from hacking the computer.
J: There s multiple ways but...
D: Right.
J: I m telling you, man. I mean I, that was the FBI. I know more about computers than they
do. This guy has parked on my system. You know, he s extracting there s nothing you
can do. And there is no security in place other than disconnecting your computer from the
internet to block these guys out. This guy is a monster hacker. He s, you know, that s
what he does. And I m, I can promise you, he s doing to me, and I m not good. I m, I m...
I m really good. He s done this to me, I could guarantee you, there s some other papers...
D: So, how do you know he s on your computer'?
J: Well, you know, you can tell when like someone s, when there s a keystroke. Well, when
you have, you know, a delay in your action between your keyboard and your monitor, nine
times often, there is a keystroke logging program on or a image capture program that is
right in your system and it s, what it s doing is it s recording that. And then, it s being
emaiIed... through to some server... rush over. In this case, it could be him. I ve had files
deleted off my computer that had, you know, keys stuff that I had PDF d that are detailing
his emails. Fortunately, you know, I ve got backups and all that stuff in place. You know,
you know, can I go, you know, can I trace his IP'? No, the Feds won t give me that
permission which, you know, I wish they would as we can all trace IPs, the exact address,
the remains from, I m sure you could probably get that information from your cyber...
division. I mean can I say I ve seen him on his computer, watching my computer? No.
You know, but I mean this guy s not, he s sloppy. Like, you know, he, he leaves a trail.
The reality of it is, you know, I ve been an 8-year-old and a 6 year old and I don t know if
this guy s... one of these calls.
D: What makes you say that'?

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J:   doesn t know of a hacker. This isjust, you know, stuff that, I mean, he s going out of
his way. The best is just, you know, use... to build his own web to destroy my reputation.
That s why. ..
D: Okay. But why would you make a comment about a cult'? Has he threatened you
J: No, he hasn t threatened me physically. But they don t do that with these kind of guys.
You know, these guys are quiet and then they do stuff that s not in their right mind. And
this is already, to me, in my opinion, this is a person who has a serious, you know,
psychological disorder. And this is just the beginning. And they only get over as they go,
and this guy has demonstrated he s getting bolder with every act. And this is just the
beginning. So, you know, I m new up here. We moved up from Malibu two years ago.
But, you know, I know people. l ve been really good living for 20 years. Assessing who I
have to deal with in business and in life. You know, this guy may be okay. He mayjust be
angry because he was new to the game. And then, when he found out that I own up
this... .com, he figured he could just, you know, get more money out of me, you know,
cause he figured he short-sold himself on the deal, which he didn t. It took him all of 15
minutes to fix the deal.
D: I thought he didn t fix it.
J: What he had to do, if he had done it properly, took less than 15 minutes. The programmer
l had paid 100 bucks to, it took 15 minutes, just like, it s like copying and pasting.
D: Okay, I understand that. But earlier, you told me he didn t fix it. Then, PayPal fixed it.
Then, PayPal fixed it temporarily. I need to get these facts very clear.
J: He did not do the job I hired him to do.
D: Okay.
J: He claimed that he did and my customers were still having trouble on... 4/7... 4/6.
D: So, what you just told me he fixed it, what work did he actually do for you'?
J: I, you know, we can t determine that cause he never emailed me a file that stated, you
know, the file that he worked on. He never made a copy of the file, cause you ve got files
you can, you know, show what you did. So, what he was supposed to do, in my
assumption, because the programmer that fixed it, it was basically go in to the code on the
control panel and basicallyjust reorganize. There were two lines of code that had been
reversed. And that was what was glitching... 4, 6 and 7. What happened was... 4A was
fine. They could check out, no problem. But... 4, 6, 7 which is, that time, 90 percent of
the country was still on, was just not checking out because there were some job
descriptors and a few other things. Well, my point is, you know, he didn t do an honest
worth of work, if he did anything at all. He did 15 minutes worth of work, tops. If he did
anything. Maybe, you know, a half hour in researching extra code but there was no need
for extra code. It was a simple detail and purpose, you know, well, detail

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and purpose, you know, literacy. What have you got to do nine times out often? But the
bottom line is he tried to hit me for more money. And I just... I agreed to pay him anyway.
Just, you know, to get it done, just to get it over with. I didn t want the headaches. And, in
my business, I get fruitcakes all the time, trying to, you know, do out of-court settlements
and trying to, you know, you know how it goes.
D: So, you put $60 into PayPal and another $30.
J: Yup.
D: And you have proof that you put that in?
J: I sure do. I emailed all the stuff to Officer Bob HERST.
D: Okay. It didn t get to my desk, so if you can email to me directly...
J: I will.
D: That will be more admissible in court anyway.
J: No problem.
D: So, okay. Well, then, I m gonna go ahead and do some work on this, and I will be back in
touch with you in the future. I
J: And, and I can tell you, you know, this is the big problem with the economy. There are
programmers up that have these little unions, you might say, that are just hijacking people
like me left and right, literally. And, and not even doing what they re supposed to do,
some of them. And, and they re literally like messing up sites where, when a credit card
process is getting...
D: Okay hang on. I m gonna terminate the phone, the, not phone call but the recording at,
right now, which is 1037.
J: Okay. [end of recording]
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